miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Y Ese Hormiguero

Tenía la impresión de que eran (6) seis sus años

Was the impression that they were six their years, and do I remember that with meridian clarity my grandfather, to Galician-Cuban one, said with the humor never seen this boy didn't lose footfall to the grandmother-did have have comment to my mother - there this seated one in the sidewalk with lined bread and sugar, giving of eating the ants, does to what my mother respond him and with the so much thing that there i likes the cake of bread that makes him mamma, but your you see it keeping the teticas of the bread (The Picks), does and was that religion for him when arriving from the school you saw it looking for them and with what the father teaches him to ray have did make in to dog of sardines, does did have die to make errands to aunt Cristina, do you know why? -because because Francisco the grocer gave him ñapa of flour with sugar and the mixture with the lined bread and it puts it in the can of cookies that was low his bed. When getting up after the breakfast and when he/she makes the task, you will already see the can in the table, he/she keeps books and notebooks and he/she leaves there where this now in the sidewalk to make road to the ants so that they eat the it classifies them the madwomen that are those that you/they walk express and that they go and they are returned constantly loaded with the bread crumb, the quarter notes that are not very hard-working are vividoras they are been worth of the crazy ones and they don't work they are a tax burden for the anthill, the culonas that are bosses but they also load and the candles that he/she has them phobia for that once chopped it to those when you see some he/she makes them a line with chalk and they don't happen, it is as if has a henhouse and you serve him the food to the hens inside the same one and they take out your head to eat outside of the wire of the same one-you understand - he took to the candles to their anthills a little bit of their preparation so that they didn't come closer, he said that they fought and for that reason it maintained them far from the group, but to those candles the he/she didn't want them the they itched coarse and it had more than enough - but that of stories dad -, but it is that I see it and I find that it has not grown, from this plane where we are where it is not necessary the dream that we make it is to take care of it, today I see it working and I remember their ants and until their friends to who I take care also, me placen like they have arisen as they have grown dad, God willing and those friends last, because those of primary single Alexis visit him of secondary some, ah, I eat up he/she fascinated to see it enter to the hospital like a lead soldier, with their robe made with sacks of flour, but white as a flake of snow, the red tie that your you gave him and starchy their clothes, those necks of their shirt five pesetas which stone well that era my boy, of them, Miguel that his great friend, Carlos considered it. Marcos, Nelson. When he/she began to work he/she had many friends because it was always charismatic as well as we see it now, I work in the sector of the health, where he/she was envied, he/she was reviled, they could never make the will of the ambush, the slander and the blessed gossip that it always pursues him to me but it always demonstrated decency and strength of there they left friendships that last still, Juan Inocencio, Norman, Adolfo Hibnër Castro who by the way was uncle of the Governor Cojedes, the medical Nucete Hibnër, Adolfo was an old grumpy person that removed him all that it didn't serve as the road it was as his guardian police,  and indeed because I arrive it was official of the extinct National Security (SN), Julio, Rómulo, all had their moments and times including that many of them ended up being their bosses and he were their boss in many opportunities, there was a boy that already knew married with who made a camaraderie Toñito, confirming their daughter to who wants a lot and to the one who by the way has not seen then from a very long, they finished the mistad however he has not been man of hates, but if very sentimental, it hurted him a lot what made him-that was - - not him you -, that that if you, is that one of those friends that are still come believes that Julio, noticed him many things and he didn't pay him attention and they hit it hard in the pocket. I remember one December and Vicente Bull, his great friend of the childhood, accompanied him in the one that today continues being its house, and they were so many the Christmas baskets that had arrived at the house that he/she said that sheath that of these positions, to what Vicente responded him-brother looks, those they are the baskets of the hypocrisy, and they didn't give them to you they gave them to your seat - I that he heard told him that comment so proper Vicente, and to what he told him good without being hypocritical because that didn't learn it, as well as I have not lost neither my humility neither my humor, we will distribute between the neighbors and family this whole sheath, that if Vicente, we give the 12 year-old pubertas and we keep the age mayorcitas, the baskets were distributed, they were so wise Vicente's words that when I arrive the other December he told him you accompany me to the supermarket to buy the boys some cane for tonight - it was good night - and with that I give you your bottle and you avoid me to leave house in the night he gives me terror to manage with so much cane in the street, and Vicente told him, you remember what I told you last year the neither an alone basket a that of that gentleman that smokes that you will be this way your when you are old if you continue smoking, like I will forget if somebody went to who wanted a lot, the Mr. Dog, that if that was his friend, so much that with all the money of his family he is stopped the woman in the mortuary in Caracas, and he told him like you put Dog in a room of make-up of cadavers, first this sleeping one not dead and second is too male for these insensitive pleasures to a sleeping life, that boy was poet dad. He/she reacted this way before, now that he/she has diabetes, he/she wants to drink mucho(Amargo) Alcívar, and until you transformed a little into the, (bitter), their friend of so many years is also diabetic, but this in the seat, and there are crazy ants, culonas, yellow and mainly black that they ate away him the pancreas and it is difficult to stay fighting against the quarter notes for that take him the diet, but hear it dad, - it is a wounded tiger, hear it - that that but I wanted it is to have a single friend of how friend I am me - God willing it is not late when he sees that the ants are dulceras but to any he was discovered diabetic, ah and that they eat up his seat, he deserves it and this proud one that his boss in some opportunity was his friend, and that the lies of the black ants leave to develar but here I will be towards the rage of the candles to defend the morals and dignity of the one that today this in the seat. God willing it already frightened the ants and not them, he/she gave more sugar for a while and you will see, as he/she will tell to the boy you were right brother and the friendship for that the one adores to the family and the friend reborn. Ah… care with the Ants…

Correo,Ahora Gafa Corre

Y...Pasé la noche en vela

Algunas personas se llevan a la cama las preocupaciones los problemas, lo que quedo pendiente en el trabajo y las angustias de diversas etiologías, de manera tal que: El Sueño al no tener espacio huye, por que el si quiere dormir pero como no lo dejan con tantas cosas que metemos a la cama además de algunas otras compañías físicas, que solo a estas le permitiría aplicarles el titulo que he dado a este artículo, pase la noche en vela. Cuando aparece el insomnio, se intenta de todo para vencerlo, se acuerdan de quien fue el que le quito el trabajo a las ovejitas, que no se encuentran para contarlas, no compre la leche para tomármela tibiecita con un poquito de de wuisky o ron (Una lechita malteada), ahora no enchufe el calentador me hubiese dado un bañito con agua tibia, pero me da flojera levantarme y esperar (¿?), ni tratar de el relajo, perdón de relajarse dan resultado y al agotamiento con el que amanecemos le llamamos- y pasé la noche en vela- .Esta incomodidad del sueño afecta a todos por igual, me dicen la chica del Vestido Rojo Julia Roberts, se vio en la imperiosa necesidad de recurrir a terapias de meditación, aunque allí, yo no digo insomnio, pongo cortinas de aluminio para que nunca aclare, pero lo que me reconforta es que su insomnio no es otra cosa que el llanto de los mellizos de tuvo, que por cierto no son míos, solo son ganas de ponerle mi nota de siempre, en ese empeño de buscar que por lo menos sonrían cuando me leen, pero lo que si es cierto es que la Roberts si tenía este horrible mal, el cual mejoró muchísimo con las terapias transcendentales. Ahora con mucha seriedad las investigaciones y lecturas que hecho para a atreverme a comentarles sobre la pérdida del sueño o lo que es lo mismo el principal trastorno de la historia de nuestro tiempo y del hombre es El Insomnio, además de que se ha constituido en la causa de mayor índice para con psiquiatras e internistas. (Hay una notable incidencia en este mal y son los nuevos casos, aumenta consecuencialmente con la edad entre los 65 y 69 años en las damas ha aumentado y afecta a un 40% aproximadamente, y fíjense que solo el 25 % los hombres les afectan el 69. ¡A pues!, que uno no puede hacer las cosas en serio y eso que aún me faltan diez.Pero es muy bueno que se sepa que la manifestación del insomnio es una manifestación de aviso del cuerpo de que algo no esta bien, son múltiples las razones que pueden causarlo, la visita o consulta profesional se hace obligadamente necesaria, acuérdense lo del estrés no vayan a aplicarse ustedes la interposición de este término sin la previa consulta médica quienes además son los únicos que pueden conversar con presición de este tema depresivo por que hasta por allí pasa incluso por problemas médicos como la artritis, con lo difícil de las cosas ahora los trastornos del sueño se han asociado en la disminución del rendimiento laboral, y hay que cuidar la chambita, la baja concentración, la fatiga, la irritabilidad y entre otras la desorientación son causas del bendito insomnio, así es que no pases más la noche en vela, acude a tu médico, seguiré buscando para ustedes, será hasta la próxima, INTEGREMONOS, no te duermas.


Copyright © Raúl Poveda

Presidente de Argentina

Nestor Kirchner falleció en la mañana (AFP/Guillermo Legaria)

08:51 AMINTERNACIONAL. El también secretario general de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur) había viajado esta semana a Calafate, donde posee una casa de descanso, junto a su esposa, la mandataria Cristina Fernández. Mientras se celebraba una reunión en la residencia presidencial, Kirchner sufrió la descompensación.

Fuente Diario EU

El Que Busca siempre encuentra




Raúl A. Poveda S. rayampa@gmail.com

El que busca siempre encuentra, esta vez la fuente bibliográfica me la brinda la Académica Gladys Revilla Pérez, quien expresa que según palabras del Dr. Rafael Elías Pérez, la señorita de la sociedad Josefina Machado Madriz “Pepita”, fue “Novia, amante y mártir del Libertador”. Pepita, hija de De Rafael Machado, Primer Canciller de la Republica y de la Señora Madriz. Contaba apenas con 18 años, cuando le conoce el 06 de Agosto de 1.813, en el homenaje ofrecido a Bolívar luego del esplendido triunfo de la Campaña Admirable, Seria una de las doce señoritas de sociedad que le colocarían una corona de laureles a su llegada a Caracas, pero no esperaba Bolívar que Josefina le causaría tan fuerte impresión y la pide en matrimonio. Josefina por su temperamento revolucionario, andar de reina, grandes ojos verdes y de una bellísima cabellera, logro ser amada por Bolívar.  Pepita Machado se convirtió en excelente ayuda... Preparaba los atavíos de la tropa, asistía a Bolívar en los mensajes que debía administrar y para importantes negocios de Estado. La franqueza de su carácter, la firmeza para defender a sus amigos y combatir a sus enemigos le etiquetan como:”intrigante y vengativa”… En la penosa emigración a Oriente de 1.814, acompaño a su amado junto a su madre y una tía. Finalizada la dolorosa emigración, Bolívar se dirige a Haití para planificar la Expedición  de los Cayos (31 de marzo de 1816) llego Bolívar a enamorarse de una manera tan apasionada que manda a buscar a pepita en medio de una riesgosa operación Militar, se encuentran en Los Cayos y juntos regresan Lugo ella lo acompaña a Margarita, Carúpano y Ocumare, lugar donde las tropas republicanas son derrotadas, El Libertador salva milagrosamente su vida gracias a Juan Bautista Bideau, huye con Josefina hasta Saint Thomas, situación esta que fue duramente criticada por el General Carlos Soublette y varios oficiales. Durante el viaje El Libertador medita sobre su futuro inmediato y sobre todo en la poca seguridad que le ofrecía a Pepita, tomando la dolorosa decisión de desembarazarla y se separan.

¡… el destino de aquel extraño amor que nació en momentos de triunfo, sufría la amargura de la separación en las horas de fracaso…!  Luego de triunfar en Angostura y quedar elegido como Presidente de la Republica, Bolívar escribe a Josefina y manda un barco a buscarla junto a su familia a Saint Thomas, para que le acompañara en la toma de posesión, llegando a Angostura el 14 de Octubre de 1.818… pero Colombia lo llama y juntos preparan el viaje, atravesarían el paso de Los Andes, ella y su familia cosen grandes cobijas y sacos para protegerse de la inclemencia de las bajas temperaturas … El pensaba que de ser posible el triunfo en Boyacá la mandaría a buscar y  ontraerían nuevas nupcias en el Hato del General Páez.Desafortunadamente la salud de Josefina se deterioro al grado de tornarse doloroso y precario, pero sin embargo sacaba sus fuerzas para ‘manifestar su contentura por ser la novia del hombre mas prestigioso del mundo del entonces, no obstante la tuberculosis destrozo su hermosura y acabo con su bella figura, dejando de existir en la población de Achaguas en 1.820, enloquece El Libertador por tan lamentable perdida , ellos vivieron por casi siete años, pero ese capitulo hermoso del Genio de América la historia apenas menciona.Josefina Machado debería estar y merece reposar junto a las otras Heroínas que lucharon por la causa de ese ideal Bolivariano fíjense que si grande fue Manuelita Sáenz, fue tan valerosa y grande también JOSEFINA MACHADO MADRIZ, resulto ser aquella niña para la que Bolívar, fue su único amor...

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